Death of a President...RIP
Given the State of the Union, and the Commander & Chief's sub-par approval ratings, the title alone, Death of a President might be enough to peak the interest of an inquisitive mind. It begins with so much intrigue, yet it drags you along to the point where you no longer want to participate anymore. It seemed like a film with promise and drama, dabbling into a subject matter that seems almost unspeakable or a topic that only late night comedians would dare go. So much room to run with and yet, it comes off as dry and uninspiring. Which is a positive thing, we don't want folks feeling moved or inspired to commit the heinous act of assassination. NO GO, the primary endearing element of Death of a President, is that it only robbed me of ninety minutes of my valuable time. (90 minutes, R)
Where's "Borat"?
I am going to see Borat this evening. Should have a thread, later tonight or first thing in the AM. Have you seen any movies recently that you would recommend?
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