Hannibal Rising...gruesome & captivating
Hannibal Rising is based on a series of novels by Thomas Harris, where the lead character is Hannibal Lecter, a notorious serial killer and cannibal. This story reveals how Hannibal Lecter came to be. From a little boy who watched as his parents were killed right before his eyes during WWII; forcing him to hide out and care for his infant sister, Mischka, until rogue soldiers ravaged their home, killed, cooked and served his sister for supper. Hannibal, played by Gaspard Ulliel, is driven by rage as he grows older and embarks on a mission to find & destroy every soldier responsible.
One shining light, Li Gong, plays Lady Shikibu, Hannibal's aunt (in-law), mentor, and accompliance, and much more. Gong has a seductive performance which is quite enjoyable to watch as it all unfolds, otherwise its a NO GO for Hannibal Rising. It is gruesome, distrubing, and mildly capitvating in a morbid way. (117 minutes, R)
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