The unyielding love story.
The Fountain requires your mind to do some long distant time travel, from the 16th century to the 26th century and then some. Its not your ordinary romance, but a story of one man’s tenacious odyssey over a thousand years to return back to the love of his life, Isabel, played by Oscar winner, Rachel Weisz. When we first meet Tomas Creo, played by Hugh Jackman, he is a conquistador on an expedition; commissioned by Queen Isabella of Spain, to recover the Tree of Life, which promises immortality when its tree sap is consumed.
Much later, in the 21st century, Jackman has transformed himself, now Dr. Tommy, a research scientist on a frantic quest to discover a cure for brain cancer, in order to save his wife, Izzy, from imminent death.
The futurist vision of Tom requires true suspension of disbelief, as he is now an easily frustrated astronaut in charge of the ailing Tree of Life. Tom struggles to focus on the ways of mediation to achieve longevity and spiritual connections with Isabel & the universe around him. The Fountain is an intricate film; you need to be vigilant and prepared to do some legwork while watching Jackman struggle on this voyage, as he is unwilling to accept the circle of life & death. The final verdict is NO GO; this journey would be best left for a DVD experience. (96 minutes, PG-13)
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