Letters from Iwo Jima...untold history
Letters from Iwo Jima is a thoughtful film directed by Clint Eastwood portraying the lives of Japanese soldiers during the later stages of WWII in 1945, when the US decided to take on the Japanese for the small island of Iwo Jima. Starring Ken Watanabe as the Lt. General Karibaya who is a strategic minded & fierce leader, struggling to protect Iwo Jima until the death, while trying to persuade the mainland to send more reinforcement. Also starring Kazunari Ninomiya who plays Saigo, a young man who leaves his pregnant wife & bakery business to do his duty to server & protect his Emperor & his land. Saigo is a spirited soldier who finds himself in harms way repeatedly, but it appears destiny is on his side. You watch as he moves from being a relecutant soldier to being the invisible fabric of his troop, almost as if he is designated the last man standing.
Letters from Iwo Jima, is graphic & violent, true to war, the film also manages to personalizes the battle, making the connections with several soldiers intimate. You will find yourself feeling that war is painful & heart wrenching no matter what side you are on. If you are a true fan of Clint Eastwood as a director (Flags of our Father, Million Dollar Baby, Mystic River) or want a history lesson, check out Letters from Iwo Jima, otherwise save it for a DVD experience. (141 minutes, R)
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