The Painted Veil...a moving piece.
Set in China during the mid 1920's, The Painted Veil, is a reluctant love story. Dr. Walter Fane, played by Edward Norton, falls for Kitty, a high society British woman, played by Naomi Watts. Eager to flee her parents, she marrys him. She quickly finds herself miserable; has an affair and falls in love with another man. In part, to punish his wife, Dr. Fane volunteers for an assignment to a remote village in China, in the mist of an Cholera epidemic, in which she has no other choice but to follow her husband into the fray.
This is a journey that begins with a marriage of convenience, quickly moves to betrayal, finds its way to distain & indifference. During their struggle for survival in China, their tolerance for each other migrates to understanding , admiration and eventually love. GO SEE The Painted Veil, the director of photography does an exquisite job of showcasing the landscape of China, in addition, the chemistry between Norton & Watts, is magnificent. (124 minutes, PG-13)
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